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Why a 10 Day Course

Why Invest in Training with Protective Safety Systems?

Course Description

Arranging for the Control Tactics Instructor Course

Control Tactics Instructor Recertification Courses

Testing and Certification

Course Fee

To Register

What Participants Need to Know

Why A 10 Day Course?

Use of force, officer safety, and related tactics constitute a wide ranging field and sizable risks to the agency. Some risks are found in training and some in its aftermath. Instructors and programs must truly benefit the officer and protect the agency. Therefore, your choice of instructor trainers is significant.

The most prudent option is to have your instructors) trained completely and systematically so that:

  •   your instructors conduct safe, meaningful training compatible with agency policy;

  •   they understand what they are doing and why; trainees understand what they are doing and tend to use their training.

  •   while shorter instructor training courses are less expensive and time consuming, they may not accomplish much.

Our training is highly efficient (with no wasted time) and our 10 day course is set at minimal length.

We specialize in training such instructors, assisting program development, and court testimony.

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Why Invest in Training with Protective Safety Systems?

Since 1983, Protective Safety Systems has specialized in developing and conducting prudent, practical, and reasonable instructor training in the use of force and control tactics; executive protection; simulation design; and skill-related instructor development.

Our founders have been responsible for developing and providing an integrated system of tactics and training for the U.S. Secret Service and the Chicago Police Department. Our experience and research have allowed us to develop an original frontier in physical skills training.

About the Founder - John C. Desmedt

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During the course, participants will apply the training to their specific job situation and be provided with consulting and review in establishing departmental training. Participants consistently tell us that this course is both demanding and rewarding. The objectives of the integrated Control Tactics Instructor Course are to produce an instructor who is able to:

  • Perform all integrated methods and procedures competently

  • Serve as a model for trainees to emulate

  • Make legally correct use of force and tactics related decisions adapting to given situational contexts;

    • selecting appropriate responses 

    • when operating alone and as a member of a team

    • under variable conditions, such as variable lighting, single, multiple and unusual  levels and surfaces, single and multiple subjects, in and around vehicles, in and around structures and around obstacles 

  • Instruct via discussion, presentation, basic practice, and simulation safely, in and effectively 

  • Assess performance through the following assessments:

    • Written testing

    • Elementary Performance Testing

    • Situational (Simulation) Testing

Enabling objectives include:

  • Principles of Control

    • Justified Use of Force in Decision Making

    • Physics of Force and Body Mechanics

    • Psychology of Confrontation

    • Relationships Between Timelines, Tactics, and Use of Force

  • Assailant Control

    • Stopping and Escaping From Close Proximity Weaponless Attacks

    • Ground (fighting) tactics

    • Use of OC

    • Team Assailant Control

    • Assailant Control Simulations

  • Resister Control

    • Controlling Active and Passive Resisters

    • Emergency Handcuffing

    • Team Resister Control

    • Resister Control Simulations

    • Use of the hobble

  • Cooperative Subject Control

    • "SPEEDCUFFING" (The original handcuffing and cooperative subject control system by its originators)

    • Team Cooperative Subject Control Operations

    • Use of Verbal Control Skills

  • Weapon Control (Firearms, Knives & Levers)

    • Weapon Disarming

    • Weapon Defense (Retention)

  • Extendible andStraight Baton Use and Tactics

    • Extendible Baton Tactics and Simulations

    • Straight Baton Tactics (for those whose agencies use them

  • Control Instruments

    • Holding Subjects

    • Breaking Subject Holds

    • Searching

  • Tactical Simulation Training

    • Team Movement and Tactics & Area Clearing

    • Decision Making and Appropriate Use of All Learned Procedures

    • Integration with Firearms Training

    • Integration of All Methods Taught with Situational Requirements

    • Providing Security and Coordination During Use of Force Related Events

    • Use of the Flashlight During Use of Force Related Events

  • Psychomotor Skill Instruction

    • Vicarious Liability and the Agency / Officer

    • Psychomotor Skill Instructional Methodology

    • Coaching and Making Corrections

    • Injury Prevention

    • Instructor Duties and Safety

    • Injury Evaluation and Standards of Care

    • Elementary Performance & Situational Testing

  • Simulation design and development

    • Evaluation job task requirements

    • Instructor and equipment management

    • Conducting Safe Meaningful Situational Training

    • Assessing simulation performance

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The basic entry level instructors course is ten (10) days in length, usually from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but times can be modified if necessary. Classes are conducted on Monday through Friday for two weeks with the weekend off. This arrangement usually benefits local trainees. We will, however, conduct the course during ten consecutive days, if necessary.

We contract for training in two ways.


If you should elect to host a regional course open to other enforcement, corrections, or probation / parole agencies, we will allot one training slot for each ten (10) trainees who pay the course fee. The size of the class will be limited by the facilities available. We will supply the necessary number of instructors.

Once an agency has hosted an open course of any type, we guarantee to provide instructor RECERTIFICATION at no charge to that agencies PSS certified instructors for two years. Agencies that host open recertification courses pay nothing for instructor recertification during the course.


PSS also contracts with individual agencies to conduct closed agency courses for an instructional fee plus expenses.

The course fee includes:

  1. All fees and necessary permission for use of PSS material.

  2. Consultation, review, critique, and approval of your instructional plans for in-service and recruit training.

  3. A guarantee to provide two yearly instructor recertification courses, one per year for the next two years.

  4. Review and critique of classes conducted by graduates of this course during the period in which we conduct a recertification course.

  5. Manuals and other instructional equipment for instructor candidates.

  6. Significant discounts on "Redman" protective training equipment.

  7. Initial research and consultation by Federal Court certified expert witnesses for all use of force related actions brought against the agency that adopts our training system.

In short, as with other elements of total training design, appropriate, valid, and reliable testing for open psychomotor skill testing was lacking, so we developed it. As with the Use of Force Model, no other training concern that we know of has these types of testing instruments, unless copied from those which we developed.

In order to protect the agency, trainers, and trainees, we have established prerequisites to certification. Trainees must pass competency-based written, performance, and situational examinations in each block of instruction, according to the established terminal performance objectives. These testing procedures have been validated by educational psychologists.


To maintain instructor certification, our policy requires that a new instructor must complete an annual recertification course for the first two years after initial certification, then recertify bi-annually thereafter.

Several conditions necessitate this policy.  The first is the necessity to reduce "instructional drift."  Instructional drift is the tendency of new instructors to teach or emphasize what they personally like, feel they understand, and are comfortable with.  New instructors also tend to de-emphasize or refrain from teaching what they do not like or are not especially good at or feel they do not understand well.  Other pressures work on new instructors which tend to modify and disorganize their instruction (e.g., supervisors may favor some content or method over another, facilities may not be available to conduct a component of the training, etc.). For these and other reasons, instructors tend, at first, to veer off track based on principles of control.

Additionally, the field of endeavor and the instructional elements embedded in this training are composed of relatively complex components from many fields of study.  The initial two-week instructor course provides competencies to safely perform as an entry-level instructor.  It does not, however, provide the expertise, information, or skills to function as a supervisory, developmental, or specialized instructor.  This is the case for two reasons:

Although our instructional methods probably produce the maximum level of outcome for the time spent; ten days of instruction cannot produce expertise.  Expertise begins with training, but is developed with time spent practicing and applying the mental and physical skills involved with the field of endeavor.  As instructors conduct training, they learn and experience the difficulties of dealing with trainees and administration, complying with organizational requirements, and facing the complexities of dealing with both new and in-service trainees.  Through experience in teaching this system.  Through application of the the training methods, tactical methods, and safety practices, and their integration with constitutional and organizational requirements, new instructors develop an applied understanding of information provided, but not experienced in real life, in the basic control tactics instructor course.  After experience in applying the information, skills, and instructional paradigm provided in the basic instructor course, new instructors:

  1. actually understand the implications of information and procedures provided in the basic instructor course, and

  2. are ready to assimilate more in-depth information, which would not be appropriate for inclusion in the basic instructor course due to time limitations, or the fact that one must apply one level of information prior to being ready to understand and apply  deeper levels.  Someone new to a specific field or method of performance must have experience prior to being ready to apply advanced methods for advanced functions, such as analysis and development.

A two-week course cannot possibly include all functions which the experienced instructor must apply.  Therefore, we have arranged Instructor Recertification Courses in sequential levels, each level introducing more competencies for more advanced application and function.  A new instructor cannot be an expert in this system.

The First Level Recertification Course includes:

  1. Review of skills, information, and instructional methods included in the Basic Instructor Course

  2. System developments

  3. Identification and evaluation of instructional drift which has developed (to what degree instructors have morphed principles and methods to their own frame of reference)

  4. Correction of the predictable drift

  5. Advanced training methods

  6. Specialized job applications

  7. Realistic Use of Force Paradigm applications

  8. Upgraded performance in creating and conducting realistic simulations

The Second Level Recertification Course (Senior Instructor Level), includes and introduces:

  1. Review of skills, information, instructional methods

  2. System developments

  3. The Simulation Assistant Training Course (in which instructors are taught to train and certify personnel to safely assist them in conducting high fidelity simulations and assessments)

  4. Use of Force Transactional Analysis Course (in which instructor are introduced to composing reliable analyses of use of force incidents through a highly regulated transactional analysis procedure).  In this process, instructors are taught to analyze actual situations, according to constitutional standards, applying a practical and reasonable assessment procedure to actual cases, in light of departmental policy, state statute, and constitutional precedent.  Predictably, instructors cannot accomplish this function without this training.  Opinions they render, must include identification of the "totality of (relevant) circumstances" in sequence for each event.

Our experience has shown that, after two re-certifications and relatively continuous active teaching of the system, annual recertification is not necessary.  Thereafter, recertification is required every two years to maintain current status, to be authorized to use PSS training materials, and to participate in the instructor development program.

We have found that establishing more than one instructor at each agency is the ideal way of guarding against the instruction drifting toward the preferences of the lone instructor and to insure that all material taught is authorized by the responsible authority.


Those active instructors who recertify twice and take an additional written examination are registered as Senior Instructors. At this point the instructor is actually a senior level instructor. Senior instructors almost always inform us that each year they are personally pleased with the progress they have made and the new realizations that come to them.  Further recertification is required every two years to maintain current status.


Although we specialize in all areas of physical control, we disagree with certifying instructors in only one aspect of training. Because use of force applications are dynamic and quickly changing, practitioners must be able to change degrees and methods of applying force in response, and, therefore, their instructors must be able to integrate these changes into the training. Instructors who have been trained in only one aspect of the application of force are more apt to lack the vision and broad ranged understanding of the needs of the working officer, who must actually perform the tasks in real life.  Instructor certification is granted after candidates attend all modules contained in the Control Tactics Instructor Course, although all modules need not be attended in one course.

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An Instructor Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of this course. Candidates must pass written, performance, instructional, and situational assessments that determine competency for new instructors based on established professional attributes and standards of responsibility. Graduates of this course will know how to test those they train.


The fee for this Control Tactics Instructor Course is $1975.00, payable by check or credit card.  Deposit of $200.00 required at the time of registration.

The fee for the Control Tactics Instructor Recertification Course is $675, or $650 per registrant for multiple registrations from the same agency.


Specific logistical information and other information of interest will be faxed or emailed to you. For other information, contact us at:

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Participants must currently be:

  • Employed as a law enforcement, probation / parole, corrections officer, or specialized security officer

  • Free of medical conditions which would be aggravated by vigorous physical training involving dynamic activity


  • All protective equipment used by their agency for control tactics training in order to integrate
    the use of agency equipment and to discover necessary possible modifications.
  • Safety and other equipment their trainees normally wear on duty.

  • Long sleeved shirts, long trousers,

  • Outdoor clothing,

  • Shoes designed for activity during training,

  • Soft body armor (if used on duty),

  • BDUs are ideal, but not necessary,

  • Work gloves

  • Can of inert OC of the type used by the agency (generic will be provided)

  • Elbow and knee pads (cloth and foam type will work)

Instructor Manual and training materials are provided.

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